Nov 11, 2018 – Asia Society – Music and Dance of Yogyakarta

This November, Gamelan Kusuma Laras is performing with the Keraton of Yogyakarta to bring to New York a rare performance of two classical Javanese dances that were once limited to only within palace walls. This collaboration has been made possible thanks in part to our renowned musical Director, I.M. Harjito.

The concert will be at Asia Society in the Upper East Side of Manhattan on Sunday, November 11, 2018 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. Tickets can are available for sale here.

In conjunction with a visit from Hamengkubuwono X, the Sultan of Yogyakarta in Indonesia, Asia Society hosts a performance by the court dancers and musicians of Yogyakarta.

The Keraton of Yogyakarta brings a rare performance of two classical Javanese dance forms performed by some of the finest dancers from Java: the Wayang Topeng, a masked dance for two dancers and the exquisite sacred Bedhoyo, performed by nine female dancers who symbolically balance the universe through the patterns created with the dance. The live Javanese gamelan will feature the musicians from the Court of Yogyakarta joined by members of Gamelan Kusuma Laras.

Co-presented with Yale University, Wesleyan University, and the American Indonesian Cultural and Educationoundation.

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